Do Unto Others

Change Is Happening Worldwide from World Change on Vimeo.

To get what you want, give others what they need.

The man in this video washes & feeds the destitute, going against the strict religious caste system in India. Dedicating himself to others, he has found joy in serving those who can not help themselves.

What can you do for others today? What can you gain by doing so?
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Thank you to my friend, Matthew Gillot, for sharing this.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, Gina. :)

    I experienced a couple of years ago a season of my life where I had everything that I thought I wanted. I had a good job. I had good friends. I laughed often. I kept in touch with my parents. I thought all was just the way I wanted it.

    Life started to feel unpurposeful, however, after a short time. I learned that the most fulfilling I can do is to keep giving to people in need. Now I volunteer at my local food bank often to feed the hungry. And I donate to the American Red Cross often to help with disasters. There are other things we each can do to reach out and help, today. I have found while I reach out to help others that all is well for me. Whenever a door closes to me, another door opens while I keep giving to people in need.

    This morning, Saturday July 14th, 2012 there is flooding in Japan. If you're able to donate to the American Red Cross, please donate. A little will go a long way. Thank you, to everyone who reaches out to help. Thank you for your example, Gina.


What does this mean to you?